10 different reporters asked us today – why is this necessary? Do people want this? Do you think Californians are supportive of this?
We would like to do interviews (with anyone willing) – to ask about why you support Calexit.
Basically – if we get a bunch of people on video saying they are scared – it is “proof of concept” – and helps us get even more media attention and attract more members.
We need testimonials from real Californians that they are serious about this – it helps us bring in more people.
We are looking to empower local people to learn how the Calexit process is legal (and doable) and then spread the word (the way they think is best for their local community)
We are looking to empower Generals, not just members!
We have found this is the “most empowering” way to motivate Californians.
– Vicki agreed to help coordinate / and spread the word – for the Los Angeles area
– Gabriella – agreed to help coordinate/ spread the word – for the San Luis Obispo Area
We need more people willing to be a regional coordinator/ spread the word/ point of contact for their region – like Vicki and Gabriella.
When we told the media we had 82 chapters across California (in 2016)- they took this movement very seriously.
Ps. Jason and Marc predicted – Educated women 30-60 will likely be the leaders of this next push to Calexit – because they seem to get what is at stake better than anyone.
We hope to have it available by this Sunday’s meeting.
You have to format the petition the correct way or it is invalid – that is why it takes a little bit of time to put together.
Here is what the last one looked like: (this doc is not valid for 2024)
NOTES: How does the initiative work – how is Secession legal:
1. The initiative does not make California independent – if Californians vote for it, it doesn’t make secession happen.
2. The initiative does two things – first it calls for the CA government to do an “official government” investigation into how CA would survive as an independent country (called a “Blue Ribbon Panel” investigation). Scotland achieved independence according to historians after the Scottish government did an official investigation into independence called the “Calman Commission”. People say that report caused an epiphany shift in the Scottish people, and they had a vote for independence within years of this report being published. We believe a CA government investigation will have a similar catalyst effect.
3. The second thing the initiative does is place a question in front of voters (at the next election) that says: Do you want CA to be independent from America?
4. This question is NOT legally binding (under domestic law) – BUT it is KEY under international law.
5. Once Californians vote for independence – a representative is selected by Californians to approach Congress and ask for permission to leave.
6. Congress has to approve of California leaving – for secession to legally happen.
7. This is because there is a Supreme Court Case on Secession, (Texas V White) – which says secession is legal “with consent of the states” (almost all lawyers don’t know about this case)
8. Erwin Chemerinsky (the top Constitutional scholar in CA) says that a “simple majority vote of Congress could be all that is required” to legally have California leave America.
9. This means that after Californians vote for independence – we only need 25 states to support Californians request to leave – in order for secession to be legal.
10. Republicans now have a majority of power in Congress and in the Supreme Court – and HAVE ENOUGH VOTES ON THEIR OWN – to vote California out now.
11. LA Times reported last year that 48% of Republicans view Californians as “not American” and recently Donald Trump and Mike Johnson both said while Californians are dead and homeless and hurt – “I don’t know if we are going to help you out because we don’t like your politics”. This is proof that Republicans hate California and will vote us “off the island”
NOTES: Why is now a better time to Calexit than in 2016.
1. In 2016 only Calexit was saying “this is Trump’s America” and we are in danger as Californians – because of that.
2. Californians did not believe in 2016 that Trump represented America, they felt he was a fluke, or installed illegal – but that he “didn’t represent the USA”
3. Now in 2024 – liberals in California are where ONLY THE CALEXIT MOVEMENT WAS in 2016 – they recognize this is Trump’s America, and that means you need to be concerned!
4. Republicans have shown recently how they hate California
5. Republicans won big in the elections – which means they have the vote (by themselves) to vote California out LEGALLY
6. None of these conditions existed in 2016.
PS. Republicans don’t know we subsidence them – and think the opposite – so they won’t be opposed to us leaving (for fear of losing money)
“GOP says lower-tax states are subsidizing California. It’s the other way around, and tax overhaul could make it worse” By Jim Puzzanghera, LA Times Oct. 28, 2017 5 AM PT https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-state-local-tax-subsidy-20171029-story.html The main Republican argument for killing the state and local tax deduction is that the break forces residents of low-tax states to subsidize those in California and other high-tax states. But when it comes to federal taxes, the data show that it’s the other way around.
Ps. If you are open to a MEGA DEEP DIVE – here is our 200 page Policy Guide – that answers every last criticism of Calexit