“Why Do So Many People Hate California? (2012)

Poll suggests CA is the worst state in the country. Can this be possible?”

“A woman wrote a blog on this topic, which was posted on the SF Chronicle site on Thursday. She said that based on a recent poll by the Public Policy Polling, “California was the least popular state in the United States.”

She went on to quote a California radio commentator who blames this on a “certain arrogance” we Calis have. The comentator said, “Californians still think it’s this great star. It’s a tarnished star at this point.”

Why Do So Many People Hate California? | Novato, CA Patch


“Why do so many people hate California? In a poll, California was the least popular state in the United States. Only 27 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of the Golden State compared to the 44 percent who view it unfavorably.”

Why do so many people hate California? In a poll, California was the least popular state in the United States. Only 27 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of the Golden State compared to the 44 percent who view it unfavorably. : r/politics (reddit.com)


“Well, apparently, a lot of things. In a poll released Tuesday by the Public Policy Polling, California was the least popular state in the United States. Only 27 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of the Golden State compared to the 44 percent who view it unfavorably.

“There’s this arrogance about Californians,” said Patrick Dorinson, a radio host in California who refers to himself as the Cowboy Libertarian. “Californians still think it’s this great star. It’s a tarnished star at this point.” The gap of 17 points puts California far behind Illinois (19 favorable, 29 not) and New Jersey (25 favorable, 32 not) as the least liked state in America.

“I’m actually quite surprised California fared so poorly,” said Albert M. Camarillo, a professor of history at Stanford University. “I think the national public knows of our difficult budget situation, our higher than average unemployment rate, the still very expensive housing market.” The “Left Coast” is distinct in another way – more people have an opinion about California than any other state – only 28 percent of respondents couldn’t decide whether they liked the state or not.”

Why do so many people hate California? (freerepublic.com)


“It turns out the left-most state is also America’s most-hated, according to a recent survey by Public Policy Polling. And California’s left-leaning politics seem to have a lot to do with it. The Golden State is the most-disliked in the union, and Hawaii is the most-liked. In fact, ours was one of only five states that received majority-negative views by our fellow Americans, according to PPP:”

California is America’s Most-Hated State, According to Public Policy Polling – LA Weekly


Why do so many people hate California? | WND | by Around the Web


Americans love to hate California: poll | Reuters

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