“Why California is Still America’s Future” (2009)

“California, you may have heard, is an apocalyptic mess of raging wildfires, soaring unemployment, mass foreclosures and political paralysis. It’s dysfunctional. It’s ungovernable. Its bond rating is barely above junk. It’s so broke, it had to hand out IOUs while its leaders debated how many prisoners to release and parks to close. Nevada aired ads mocking California’s business climate to lure its entrepreneurs. The media portray California as a noir fantasyland of overcrowded schools, perpetual droughts, celebrity breakdowns, illegal immigration, hellish congestion and general malaise, captured in headlines like MELTDOWN ON THE OCEAN and CALIFORNIA’S WIPEOUT ECONOMY and WILL CALIFORNIA BECOME AMERICA’S FIRST FAILED STATE?”

Why California is Still America’s Future | TIME

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Timeline for Achieving Calexit


What is “signature gathering” and What are the Rules?


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WHERE YOU CAN SIGNATURE GATHER (collect signatures in public for Calexit petition)

-“Because libraries are government buildings, federal and state law allow individuals to use outdoor spaces on Library property to gather ...

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Timeline for Achieving Calexit


What is “signature gathering” and What are the Rules?


Updates & Events

WHERE YOU CAN SIGNATURE GATHER (collect signatures in public for Calexit petition)

-“Because libraries are government buildings, federal and state law allow individuals to use outdoor spaces on Library property to gather ...