Join 30 groups from 5 different continents at an upcoming Summit.

This summit is highly unique. It is designed for independence movements around the world who are ignored by the international media and their host government.

We held a Summit earlier and were able to involve independence groups from America, Mexico, Canada, Spain, and South Africa.  Each group was able to speak for 10 minutes about why their group needed to become independent.
For many groups it was the first time they had been offered a fair platform, in a professional setting, where they could express their argument for why they deserve independence.

Because so many groups were involved, from many different locations, all watching the same event, a lot of attention came to the event collectively, and because of that, each group had a larger audience to see their speech than they normally would.  Every group benefited from attending for this reason.

We have already tripled the size of the guest list for this Summit in comparison to the first one – and we have many more invitations still to send.

-We are in talks with Natacha Atlas (UN Goodwill Ambassador) to open the ceremonies.
-We have contracted a TV Studio to broadcast the event “live”. (A TV quality recording will be released).
-We have also contracted a news station videographer to film the event “on location”, conducting in-person interviews with guests. (A second “cinéma vérité” recording will be released).
-We will also be releasing a GIS “interactive map” that shows all independence movements.

Please join us and be heard


Thig còmhla ri 30 buidheann bho 5 mòr-thìrean eadar-dhealaichte aig àrd-choinneamh a tha ri thighinn.

Tha am mullach seo air leth sònraichte. Tha e air a dhealbhadh airson gluasadan neo-eisimeileachd air feadh an t-saoghail a tha air an dearmad leis na meadhanan eadar-nàiseanta agus an riaghaltas aoigheachd aca.

Chùm sinn Co-labhairt na bu thràithe agus b’ urrainn dhuinn buidhnean neo-eisimeileachd à Ameireagaidh, Mexico, Canada, an Spàinn agus Afraga a Deas a thoirt a-steach. B’ urrainn do gach buidheann bruidhinn airson 10 mionaidean air carson a dh’fheumadh am buidheann aca a bhith neo-eisimeileach.

Dha mòran bhuidhnean b’ e seo a’ chiad uair a chaidh àrd-ùrlar cothromach a thabhann dhaibh, ann an suidheachadh proifeasanta, far am b’ urrainn dhaibh an argamaid aca a chuir an cèill carson a tha iad airidh air neo-eisimeileachd.

Leis gu robh uimhir de bhuidhnean an sàs, bho iomadh àite eadar-dhealaichte, uile a’ coimhead an aon thachartas, thàinig mòran aire chun an tachartais còmhla, agus air sgàth sin, bha luchd-èisteachd nas motha aig gach buidheann gus an òraid aca fhaicinn na bhiodh iad mar as àbhaist. Fhuair a h-uile buidheann buannachd bho bhith an làthair air an adhbhar seo.

Tha sinn mu thràth air trì uiread de mheud liosta aoighean airson a’ Chruinneachaidh seo an taca ris a’ chiad fhear – agus tha tòrr a bharrachd chuiridhean againn fhathast ri chur.

-Tha sinn ann an còmhraidhean le Natacha Atlas (Tosgaire Goodwill na DA) gus na deas-ghnàthan fhosgladh.
-Tha sinn air Stiùidio Tbh a chùmhnant gus an tachartas a chraoladh “beò”. (Thèid clàradh càileachd Tbh fhoillseachadh).
-Tha sinn cuideachd air cùmhnant a thoirt do neach-bhidio stèisean naidheachdan gus an tachartas a chlàradh “air an àite”, a’ dèanamh agallamhan pearsanta le aoighean. (Thèid dàrna clàradh “fìor thaigh-dhealbh” fhoillseachadh).
-Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ cur a-mach “mapa eadar-ghnìomhach” GIS a sheallas a h-uile gluasad neo-eisimeileachd.

Feuch an tig thu còmhla rinn agus èist

Le meas

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