PRESS RELEASE: Anti-Trump inauguration protest planned for Jan 20 2025.



Marc Ruiz Evans

415 595 3394

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Jan 20 2025


Sacramento, California – Supporters of California independence (aka Calexit) will be protesting the inauguration of Donald Trump, at the exact moment that becomes president.

In 2016, Americans elected Donald Trump as President. Yet, many Californians at the time considered him a fluke, installed by a foreign government and not truly representative of the will of Americans. We now know that Russia did not install Trump as president in 2016.

In addition, America has now chosen Donald Trump as President for a second time. This time he won the popular vote and has claimed “mandate”. In 2016, Calexit was the only organization telling Californians that, although Hillary won the popular vote nationally in 2016, it was only by the margin of the California vote – meaning that outside of California, over half or a majority of the nation backed trump.  No one wanted to hear that then.

Now, though, in 2024 – ’25, liberals across America are coming to the realization that only Calexit had in 2016 – outside of California, this is Trump’s America, and a clearly dominant majority of Americans support him, his values, and his policies.

The Calexit movement has filed an initiative with the California government to call for a question to be put in front of voters asking, “if they want California to secede”. We will be advertising that we can begin collecting signatures for the Calexit initiative in mid-February.

In addition, the Calexit movement is hosting an “International Summit on Self- Determination” where it has invited 35 independence movements from around the world to participate in a joint 6-hour broadcast. It will be streamed across 5 continents.  In addition, around 9 -10 American states (representing 1/5 of America) will be sending a representative of their individual secession movements to participate live in the Summit. This will be the largest gathering of different states secession movements since 1865.

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