Marketing Basics For Independence Movements

BASICS for professional marketing of a secession movement.

  1. Logo for your movement – that looks clean and corporate EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  2. Social media site (Twitter/ Facebook) – All posts have to be short/ concise/ corporate sounding posts EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  3. Policy guide – an explanation of your plan for independence and answers to all of the real-world questions about it. -EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  4. Website – provides a quick summary of why to be independent (not the deep dive the policy guide gives)-EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  5. Movie/ documentary/ Interview – explains what your movement is about and how to achieve success -EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  6. Flyer – for people to download and print at home -EXAMPLE BOTTOM
  7. Business cards – to pass out in person –EXAMPLE COMING

You are going to cross pollinate amongst these 7 items.

  • You post your logo – banner on social media site, front of policy guide, banner on website, and in beginning of your movie/interview.
  • You post your policy guide, screenshot of website, movie/interview and flyer to social media & your website (for automatic content)
  • Your website mentioned your social media – your social media mentions your website (you post all content (anything you make) to both)

Key to success – for all movements.

  • Find your demographic. There is an age range, gender profile, other background that will show you who your most vocal supporters will be.
  • For example, in California – while 32% of Californians overall support secession – 65% of Youth under 35 years of age do, while only 25% of anyone over 55 years of age does.
  • While many ethnic groups in California support independence, support is highest among the Latino community.
  • This means – find an event where Young Latinos under 35 years of age are and go to that event. Learn how this specific segment of your overall population thinks – and tailor all messaging to that specific demographic.
  • Once you have grown your movement from this movement – THEN spread out and start to reach out to all other people who could support. But it will be easier to do this – with a visible public base of support.

The other major key to success – for all movements.

  • Find out the process to independence that scares your host country.
  • For example – Texas was pursuing many avenues to independence but tried specifically to get the Republican party of Texas to allow for a ballot to be created that would allow the question of “do you want to secede” to be available for voters to vote on. The Republican party at the last minute played games and blocked this ballot from being created through dirty tricks. 
  • Another example – California already has a ballot process enshrined into law. Calexit supporters filed an initiative to place in front of the voters the question of “do you want to secede”. Two months after the initiative was filed and we were collecting signatures, Rachel Maddow came on TV and said our whole organization was untrustworthy. Within 5 days we lost $90,000 in donations.
  • In Texas the state knew – that the organization had 450,000 volunteers and could get out the vote with sheer volunteerism. That is why they stopped the ballot from becoming available to the voters.
  • In California, the state knew – that it typically costs $2.5 million dollars to hire paid signature gatherers to qualify an idea for the ballot (even if you do have mass public support).  By cutting off the money supply they stopped Calexit being able to show that it could collect signatures – which is the key to gaining additional donations to gain the $2.5 million you need to qualify for the ballot.
  • Both organizations were greatly dismayed at these developments. However, there is a gift that was given to these secession movements from the powers that be.  The people in power in Texas and California both told these activists groups – this is how you defeat us, and we know it, and we are scared of you doing this. 
  • This is a great gift – because the people in power are telling you exactly what you need to do – to cause a big enough shift that will bring about independence.   The people in Texas who want Texas to stay a state – just told everyone, if you actually got this question in front of voters on the ballot – we know there would be enough public support to make Texas secede.   In California the power structure also said, we know if you actually get this question in front of California voters, that there is enough support to secede.

  • Why this is a gift – you never know, they are not obligated to tell you – what it takes to win
  • There is no book on how to successfully cause a secession movement
  • Ghandi said
  • First they ignore
  • Then they laugh at you
  • Then they fight you – and you win
  • Meaning that when they choose to fight you – because of that act alone, they have already lost.  This is what he meant – they have revealed to you, their secret weakness – which they know could cause your independence movement to be a success. 
  • Host government never have to let people know what it takes to take them down.

If you do these things:

Be professional – figure out all of your questions to answer – and master your basic marketing – and figure out the weak spot of your host country – you will become wildly successful. 

That is not a guaranteed win, but if many more secession movements were doing this everywhere, the American and global discussion of secession movements would definitely be wildly different than where it is today.











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