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  • “Let California Secede And Take The Cry-Baby “I’ll Leave America If Trump Is Elected” Liberals With Them” (2016)

“Let California Secede And Take The Cry-Baby “I’ll Leave America If Trump Is Elected” Liberals With Them” (2016)

“As long as California is planning to secede from the union following Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, we can kill two birds (no violent pun intended) with one stone by sending all of the poor losers who promised to leave America anyway if Trump was elected, to the liberal mecca on the west coast, and make everyone happy. And since none of the celebrities who swore to leave will really do it (and we are learning that the route to residing in Canada is not easy, and the Canadians don’t want them anyway) and since most celebrities already live in California, we’ll make them look good by kicking them out, and good riddance.”


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What is “signature gathering” and What are the Rules?


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WHERE YOU CAN SIGNATURE GATHER (collect signatures in public for Calexit petition)

-“Because libraries are government buildings, federal and state law allow individuals to use outdoor spaces on Library property to gather ...

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Timeline for Achieving Calexit


What is “signature gathering” and What are the Rules?


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WHERE YOU CAN SIGNATURE GATHER (collect signatures in public for Calexit petition)

-“Because libraries are government buildings, federal and state law allow individuals to use outdoor spaces on Library property to gather ...