Watch speech for “Why to Calexit” here @2:17:37

A Lot of people ask – what will life be like for California if Trump or Harris wins.

We find this questions to be the wrong one to ask.

Rather, we at Calexit say – the right question is “what will happen to California regardless of if Trump or Harris wins.”

  • Both told migrants “Don’t come” to America or California
  • Both were part of administrations that placed Latino kids in cages
  • Both have said they support the border wall and tough reorganization of immigration
  • Both have supported a trade war with China (Biden continued Trump policy and Kamala never criticized)
  • Both have supported the removal of the SALT tax – which allows California homeowners to deduct taxes to make living in California more affordable for them (Biden continued Trump policy and Kamala never criticized)
  • Kamala has supported wars in Israel and Ukraine and said America should have the “most lethal fighting force” & Trump has supported growing the US military to make it the most lethal too, and almost got America into a war with Iran and North Korea.  Both support wars and military expansion
  • -Neither Kamala or Trump have ever mentioned or criticized the fact that California has to wait on average 10 years for foreign trade deals to be assigned
  • Neither Kamala or Trump have mentioned that California is a donor state and loses the amount of money that could be used to fix poverty permanently in San Francisco, or the equivalent to around 450 billion in losses since the late 1980s.
  • Neither Kamala or Trump have mentioned or complained that many of Californians gun safety laws to prevent us from having mass shootings are routinely shut down by the 9th circuit federal court, meaning Californians can’t change the laws to make themselves feel safe.

There is a thing called “California values”.

It is often laughed at by America and used as a joke, but it is real thing.

While this land is incredibly diverse there is a set of values that almost everyone adheres to in California – that is not the same as the American value set.

In California:

  • You could never say you don’t welcome immigrants or that you want to punish undocumented immigrants
  • You could never place Latino kids in cages and continue in politics
  • You could never support a Genocide in a foreign land (or even the appearance) and continue to run for office (both Harris and Trump do this)
  • you could never support hurting International Trade (as it is a huge part of California’s economy)
  • You could never support hurting California homeowners and make owning a house more expensive and run for office
  • You could never support Fracking and think that you also support Climate Change and yet Trump and Harris both support Fracking and are ok with the ecological damage

You could never do any of these things and run for office in California – and yet both candidates do these things.

Obviously, Trump is the opposite of California Values

But Kamala took on many behaviors when she “went to Washington” as VP that she never supported in California:

  • all of her stances on Latinos and immigration, supporting genocide, fracking, multiple foreign wars and a “most lethal military anywhere” – never happened in California but only when she went to provide leadership for America.
  • -Frankly Kamala could never have the stances she has taken on many issues and run successfully for any statewide office in California.

This should shut down the theory that Californians in Washington DC means that California values will be held in America – America changes California politicians who go to work there.

For example – Nancy Pelosi when she was better known in California than America, never would have pushed a little Latina girl out of a picture viciously or told an Asian person to go back to China. Yet after years of being an American leader that is exactly the kind of non-California values that Nancy began to display.

California will still:

  • be a donor state and lose billions of dollars it could use to fix itself up – every year
  • have our trade deals held up or have trade bans forced on us – both of which are especially damaging to our international trade focused economy
  • be unable to protect ourselves from gun violence
  • or be able to protect our undocumented citizens from fear and round ups
  • -supporting a military empire that it does not believe in and visible protested since the 1970s
  • be unable to protect our homeowners from having the Federal tax code changed on them to be punitive

We will lose billions and billions to our economy – that we don’t have to

We will still live in fear from problems and boogeymen that are deadly and that we could extinguish

We will still have to be a donor state and pay more in federal taxes, while having the Federal government toy around with home ownership fees – costing homeowners dearly

We will still be unable to fix many social problems and broken infrastructure because we have to subsidize 35 other American states – that hate us BECAUSE We have “California Values”

We will still be attached to a nation – that selected Donald Trump once in 2016, almost picked him again in 2020 (Biden won by 3%), and was previously the top pick against Joseph Biden in 2020 – that is an America that likes Trumps message and Values – and isn’t going to change how it feels any time soon, given that Trumpism has lasted for nearly an entire decade now.

In Nov 2016 Californians literally woke up in horror when they learned Trump was elected. We can’t guarantee that a similar shock to California’s way of life and feeling of security won’t happen again.

After the shock of Trump being elected, people were again shocked when Trump supporters stormed the Federal capital – why do we think it is unreasonable to assume there will be even more shocks to California’s sense of stability – given again, Trumpism has already lasted for almost a decade – despite all of the talk that he was a fluke.

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